
Monday, November 28, 2016

Good day people! Today I'll be talking about the products i use on my hair and some useful home remedies for a healthy hair growth.

I rarely try new products on my hair.When it comes to shampoo and conditioner,i like to change them once in a while. I get easily bored with the same yea that explains it all.
Plus changing your shampoo quite often can lead to breakage and it's only effective when we use the same shampoo&conditioner of the same brand and chopping or trimming hair often can lead to hair loss is a total myth. So,fear not but i always recommend you guys to check for reviews before you try a new product. For some,certain products would suit and for the rest it wouldn't. So we are quite lucky to have these reviews,check them out and purchase lest u want to be wasting a ton of money and hair.

My hair care products:

Hair wash products:

Shampoo: Recently I've switched to the Garnier ultra blends. It comes in 5 different types along with conditioner.

Review: I use the Soy milk&almond one,love the scent of it. Mild and refreshing. I din't find anything so special about this product. It just cleanses your hair and leaves it smelling good. It dosen't control hairfall nor leads to damage. So,yeah if you want to try something new you can safely try this one.You can find these at any super market's easily.

Hair Styling products:

I love to style my hair but I'm lazy.I dry my hair after every hair wash. But using hot tools i.e straightener or curler i do it occasionally.
While I'm about to start using my hot tools i spray my partially dried hair using the Toni&guy heat protection mist. It helps the hair from getting damaged due to too much of heat.

Next,after I'm done styling my hair i apply the Silk&Shine hair serum. This gives a nice glossy finish to the hair and help the baby hair's to set in place.

When I'm having 3rd or 4th day unwashed hair...i spray my hair using the Victoria's Secret amber romance Lustrous hair spray. This gives nice volume to your hair removing any excess oil residue and leaves your hair smelling great. I would only use it occasionally,maybe after setting my hair i spray this on to set the locks in place or on an emergency(maybe like an unplanned date night):p no one will ever know that your hair was greasy and smelling like an uncooked egg few mins back lol (that's the truth ya'll got to accept it).

When I'm totally lazy to do my usual hair oil routine i massage my hair with the L'OREAL Paris 6 oil nourish oil-in-cream product. I take very lil amount in the palm of my hand and massage it into the scalp and hair and leave it overnight.I smells really good and leaves you hair nourished. I wouldn't recommend ya'll to do often.You can even use this serum as an leave-in-conditioner after you have washed your hair.It leaves the hair smelling good and silky.

Home remedies for good hair and hair growth:

I totally don't believe in quick hair growth naturally,probably you can enhance hair growth with home remedies. Hair growth will take time. Normal hairfall is about 50-100 strands of hair per day. It'll grow back again. So,there's nothing to stop hairfall completely if anyone dint know. Hair follicles get weak and fall off, and many external reasons such as pollution,stress,diet plays a major roll in hairfall as well.
Personally i shred lot of hair,while i brush and wash my hair maybe 30-80 strands. At 1st i panicked but later i could see new baby hair's growing back. I infact din't loose the thickness much,but during one phase i could totally see my hair break it was so fragile.
That time i was kind of high on diet,din't take in carbs (rice) and cut shorted all the vital nutrients. Once after i realized that was the reason,i flew back to a balanced diet with equal amount of carbs,proteins&all good stuff.I could then see my hair growing thick again.

So a good balanced diet along with a healthy&stress free life is legit important for good hair.


  1. Pumpkin oil is very effective in enhancing hair growth scientifically. So few drops of pumpkin oil massaged into hair once or twice a week regularly will make hair grow.
  2. Cut a slice of ginger and apply the ginger juice on to the scalp or  where u face hair loss. Leave it on for 30-40mins and wash hair off normally. Do it regularly to stimulate hair growth.
  3. Slice of onion works great for hair growth as well. Cut the onion and apply it to hair. Rinse after 30-40mins.
  4. Castor oil is known to work wonders for the hair. Since Castor oil has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties,they can keep dandruff at bay. Castor oil is very thick in consistency,so few drops of castor oil mixed along with coconut/almond/jojoba oil and apply to the hair&scalp. Leave it for a hour or overnight and wash it well. This can stimulate hair growth ×2. Do it twice a week or regularly as possible to help hair grow faster.
  5. I mix 4 types of oil coconut/almond/Olive/amla oil. Each few drops according to the length of the hair. Mix it and heat it for a min and when it's warm enough to handle i apply it to the roots&hair nd massage it,and leave it overnight and wash it the next day.
  6. Tea tree has anti-bacterial&anti-inflammatory properties.Add few drops of tea-tree oil along with coconut oil or even just tea-tree oil would work perfectly,massage into scalp and leave it overnight.Tea-tree oil kills dandruff and heals ant scalp infection.
  7. I take in some vitamin tablets daily i.e vit-B,multi-vitamin tablets. Vit-B,biotin helps make hair/nails strong.You can easily find them in your local pharmacies.
Olive oil helps the hair grow thicker and shinier.
Amla oil makes your hair darker prevents from premature greying and keeps hair healthy.
Almond oil has a very good aroma not only that it contains all good nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids,phospholipids,vit-E and magnesium. This helps in nourishing the hair and treats damaged hair.

My Haircut routine:
I cut my hair once a year.In the middle i tend to trim the ends,whenever i feel the ends have become too dry i trim them myself at home.Now my hair is upto my shoulder..thought i needed a change so had a good short haircut and I'm happy about that. To come back to the old length it would take about a year for me.My hair is kinda on a lil thicker side and it's wavy.

External application of products is important as to which good intake of food is majorly important for good hair&skin. I recommend taking in daily a handful of mixed dried nuts&fruits i.e almonds,cashew,walnuts and some raisins,apricots in the morning. To your food diet add in some sprouts raw/boiled and even yogurt(curd). Drink a lot of water and say goodbye to bad hair days.
No-matter Long or short hair when your hair is healthy,lustrous and shiny you can flaunt any style or trend.


1.Pumpkin oil
2.Almond oil
3.Olive oil
4.Castor Oil
5.Toni&guy Heat Protection Mist
6.Hair Spray (VS is out of stock)
7.L'oreal Nourish Oil cream
8.Tea-Tree oil

Life Tag:
Luke 12:7, Indeed the very hairs of your head are numbered.Don't be afraid your worth more than sparrows.
God's got all under control.If God can feed the birds of the sky from morning till night at guard it all day long are not more valuable than that?As God has created us in His own image and gave us dominion over all things on earth.Though a little pain God's got all covered up have faith,He's there to help us overcome troubles in life for He Has already finished it on the cross and the victory is ours.Give it all unto Jesus and He shall give you rest.God bless!

Until next time..adios amigos
Shielded in His love